13 unsigned long long replyToMessageId,
14 const QString &parseMode,
15 bool disableWebPagePreview,
16 const QString &callBackQueryId,
const std::function<
void (
int)> &msgIdCB,
31 QMap<QString, QVariant> args {{
35 args[
"caption"] =
The RequestPriority enum.
QString callBackQueryId
Callback query ID. Default: "".
bool disableWebPagePreview
Disable web page preview when sending links. Default: false.
QMap< QString, QVariant > toMap(bool textAsCaption=false) const
toMap convert all arguments to the map.
iRequest::RequestPriority requestPriority
TelegramArgs(const QVariant &id, const QString &text="", unsigned long long replyToMessageId=0, const QString &parseMode="html", bool disableWebPagePreview=false, const QString &callBackQueryId="", const std::function< void(int msgId)> &msgIdCB={}, iRequest::RequestPriority priority=iRequest::RequestPriority::NormalPriority)
QString parseMode
Parse mode of the message. Default: "html".
unsigned long long replyToMessageId
ID of the message to which a reply will be given. Default: 0.
std::function< void(int msgId)> msgIdCB
msgIdCB This is id message call bak function. Will be inwoked when request finished successful.
QVariant chatId
Chat ID where the message will be sent. Default: {}.
QString text
Text of the message. Default: "".