qTbot 0.2.102.bb22a69
qTbot is base back end library for your c++ Qt projects.
Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12345]
 CqTbot::IJsonBasedObjectThis is base interface for all json base objects
 CqTbot::IJsonBasedUpdateThis is updates that have a json sructure
 CqTbot::TelegramUpdateBase information about updates from telegram
 CqTbot::TelegramUpdateAnswerThis is base message from the telegram server after update request
 CqTbot::iMessageThis is main interface for the all messages
 CqTbot::TelegramMsgThis class provide general mesasges of telegram. The message object can contains text, geo or link to video,image. all this dates can be contains in one object
 CqTbot::TelegramContactThe telegramcontact class contains information about user contact
 CqTbot::TelegramFileBase class for all files
 CqTbot::TelegramAudioThis is implementation of the audio objects of telegram
 CqTbot::TelegramDocumentThis is implementation of the documents objects of telegram
 CqTbot::TelegramImageThis is implementation of the photos of telegram
 CqTbot::TelegramInlineKeyBoardCallBackThe TelegramInlineKeyBoardCallBack class
 CqTbot::TelegramLocationJust simple struct with latitude and longitude
 CqTbot::iRequestIs main interface for all custom requests
 CqTbot::TelegramSingleRquestIs base class for all single requests commands with arguments
 CqTbot::TelegramDeleteMessageRemove message with id
 CqTbot::TelegramGetFileBuild http request for the getting files from tellgram messager
 CqTbot::TelegramGetMeThe TelegramGetMsg class just prepare get request to tellegram
 CqTbot::TelegramGetUpdateThis is implementation of the get update method of the Telegram API
 CqTbot::TelegramSendContactThe TelegramSendContact class
 CqTbot::TelegramSendFileBase clas for upload files to server
 CqTbot::TelegramSendDocumentSents document into chat
 CqTbot::TelegramSendPhotoUsing to sending photos on chat
 CqTbot::TelegramSendLocationSents location data into chat
 CqTbot::TelegramSendMsgThis method send a message to the server
 CqTbot::TelegramEditMessageThis command edit keyboard of the message
 CqTbot::TelegramEditMessageReplyMarkupJust edit alredy created Markups
 CqTbot::TelegrammDownloadFilePrepare link to download telegramm files
 CqTbot::iUpdateThe iMessage class - is main interface for all messages objects
 CqTbot::IJsonBasedUpdateThis is updates that have a json sructure
 CqTbot::HttpExceptionBase exaption that will raise on all errors of the HTTP protocol,
 CqTbot::InternalExceptionContais string value to describe what happened
 CqTbot::IBotBase interface for all chat-bots objcts
 CqTbot::ITelegramBotThis is base implementation of the all telegramm bots
 CqTbot::TelegramRestBotIs Rest implementation base on the Update API telegram method
 CqTbot::IBot::RequestDataSimple wrapper of request object with path of responce. If Path of responce is empty then responce will saved in RAM
 CqTbot::TelegramArgsBase structure for the all tellegram message arguments