qTbot 0.2.109.b8bcf53
qTbot is base back end library for your c++ Qt projects.
Classes | |
class | HttpException |
The HttpException class is base exaption that will raise on all errors of the HTTP protocol,. More... | |
class | IBot |
The IBot class Base interface for all chat-bots objcts. More... | |
class | IJsonBasedObject |
The IJsonBasedObject class This is base interface for all json base objects. More... | |
class | IJsonBasedUpdate |
The IJsonBasedUpdate class This is updates that have a json sructure. More... | |
class | iMessage |
The iMessage class This is main interface for the all messages. More... | |
class | InternalException |
The InternalException class contais string value to describe what happened. More... | |
class | iRequest |
The iRequest class Is main interface for all custom requests. More... | |
class | ITelegramBot |
The ITelegramBot class This is base implementation of the all telegramm bots. More... | |
class | iUpdate |
The iMessage class - is main interface for all messages objects. More... | |
struct | TelegramArgs |
The TelegramArgs class is base structure for the all tellegram message arguments. More... | |
class | TelegramAudio |
The TelegramAudio class This is implementation of the audio objects of telegram. More... | |
class | TelegramContact |
The telegramcontact class contains information about user contact. More... | |
class | TelegramDeleteMessage |
The TelegramDeleteMessage class remove message with id. More... | |
class | TelegramDocument |
The TelegramDocument class This is implementation of the documents objects of telegram. More... | |
class | TelegramEditMessage |
The TelegramEditMessage class This command edit keyboard of the message. More... | |
class | TelegramEditMessageReplyMarkup |
The TelegramEditMessageReplyMarkup class just edit alredy created Markups. More... | |
class | TelegramFile |
The TelegramFile class is base class for all files. More... | |
class | TelegramGetFile |
The TelegramGetFile class build http request for the getting files from tellgram messager. More... | |
class | TelegramGetMe |
The TelegramGetMsg class just prepare get request to tellegram. More... | |
class | TelegramGetUpdate |
The TelegramGetUpdate class This is implementation of the get update method of the Telegram API. More... | |
class | TelegramImage |
The TelegramImage class This is implementation of the photos of telegram. More... | |
class | TelegramInlineKeyBoardCallBack |
The TelegramInlineKeyBoardCallBack class. More... | |
class | TelegramLocation |
The TelegramLocation class just simple struct with latitude and longitude. More... | |
class | TelegrammDownloadFile |
The TelegrammDownloadFile class prepare link to download telegramm files. More... | |
class | TelegramMsg |
The TelegramMsg class This class provide general mesasges of telegram. The message object can contains text, geo or link to video,image. all this dates can be contains in one object. More... | |
class | TelegramRestBot |
The TelegramRestBot class Is Rest implementation base on the Update API telegram method. More... | |
class | TelegramSendContact |
The TelegramSendContact class. More... | |
class | TelegramSendDocument |
The TelegramSendDocument class sents document into chat. More... | |
class | TelegramSendFile |
The TelegramSendFile class Base clas for upload files to server. More... | |
class | TelegramSendLocation |
The TelegramSendLocation class sents location data into chat. More... | |
class | TelegramSendMsg |
The TelegramSendMsg class This method send a message to the server. More... | |
class | TelegramSendPhoto |
The TelegramSendPhoto class using to sending photos on chat. More... | |
class | TelegramSingleRquest |
The TelegramSingleRquest class Is base class for all single requests commands with arguments. More... | |
class | TelegramUpdate |
The TelegramUpdate class contains base information about updates from telegram. More... | |
class | TelegramUpdateAnswer |
The TelegramUpdateAnswer class This is base message from the telegram server after update request. More... | |
Typedefs | |
typedef QHash< QString, QSharedPointer< QJsonObject > > | ExtraJsonObjects |
ExtraJsonObjects hash map of the extra objects of the message. | |
typedef std::function< void(const QString &buttonKey, const QVariant &msgID)> | ButtonCB |
typedef QList< QHash< QString, ButtonCB > > | KeyboardOnMessage |
Functions | |
bool | init () |
init main initialize method of The qTbot library | |
QString | version () |
version This method return string value of a library version | |
typedef std::function<void(const QString& buttonKey, const QVariant& msgID)> qTbot::ButtonCB |
Definition at line 28 of file itelegrambot.h.
typedef QHash<QString, QSharedPointer<QJsonObject> > qTbot::ExtraJsonObjects |
ExtraJsonObjects hash map of the extra objects of the message.
Definition at line 26 of file irequest.h.
typedef QList<QHash<QString, ButtonCB > > qTbot::KeyboardOnMessage |
Definition at line 29 of file itelegrambot.h.
bool QTBOT_EXPORT qTbot::init | ( | ) |
QString QTBOT_EXPORT qTbot::version | ( | ) |