qTbot 0.88.dd6eb8b
qTbot is base back end library for your c++ Qt projects.
▼CqTbot::IJsonBasedObject | This is base interface for all json base objects |
▼CqTbot::IJsonBasedUpdate | This is updates that have a json sructure |
CqTbot::TelegramUpdate | Base information about updates from telegram |
CqTbot::TelegramUpdateAnswer | This is base message from the telegram server after update request |
▼CqTbot::iMessage | This is main interface for the all messages |
CqTbot::TelegramMsg | This class provide general mesasges of telegram. The message object can contains text, geo or link to video,image. all this dates can be contains in one object |
CqTbot::TelegramContact | The telegramcontact class contains information about user contact |
▼CqTbot::TelegramFile | Base class for all files |
CqTbot::TelegramAudio | This is implementation of the audio objects of telegram |
CqTbot::TelegramDocument | This is implementation of the documents objects of telegram |
CqTbot::TelegramImage | This is implementation of the photos of telegram |
CqTbot::TelegramInlineKeyBoardCallBack | The TelegramInlineKeyBoardCallBack class |
CqTbot::TelegramLocation | Just simple struct with latitude and longitude |
▼CqTbot::iRequest | Is main interface for all custom requests |
▼CqTbot::TelegramSingleRquest | Is base class for all single requests commands with arguments |
CqTbot::TelegramDeleteMessage | Remove message with id |
CqTbot::TelegramGetFile | Build http request for the getting files from tellgram messager |
CqTbot::TelegramGetMe | The TelegramGetMsg class just prepare get request to tellegram |
CqTbot::TelegramGetUpdate | This is implementation of the get update method of the Telegram API |
CqTbot::TelegramSendContact | The TelegramSendContact class |
▼CqTbot::TelegramSendFile | Base clas for upload files to server |
CqTbot::TelegramSendDocument | Sents document into chat |
CqTbot::TelegramSendPhoto | Using to sending photos on chat |
CqTbot::TelegramSendLocation | Sents location data into chat |
▼CqTbot::TelegramSendMsg | This method send a message to the server |
▼CqTbot::TelegramEditMessage | This command edit keyboard of the message |
CqTbot::TelegramEditMessageReplyMarkup | Just edit alredy created Markups |
CqTbot::TelegrammDownloadFile | Prepare link to download telegramm files |
▼CqTbot::iUpdate | The iMessage class - is main interface for all messages objects |
CqTbot::IJsonBasedUpdate | This is updates that have a json sructure |
▼CQObject | |
CqTbot::FileWaiter | The FileWaiter class. This is a simple storage for the shared pointer of files. All added files will be removed (shared object) after finish donwload or upload |
▼CqTbot::IBot | Base interface for all chat-bots objcts |
▼CqTbot::ITelegramBot | This is base implementation of the all telegramm bots |
CqTbot::TelegramRestBot | Is Rest implementation base on the Update API telegram method |
▼CqTbot::iFile | This is main interface for all implementations of the files |
CqTbot::File | Implementations for local files |
CqTbot::VirtualFile | Write and read data from the Ram |
▼CQtActivity | |
Ccom.quasarapp.androidtools.MainActivity | |
CqTbot::TelegramArgs | Base structure for the all tellegram message arguments |