qTbot 0.88.dd6eb8b
qTbot is base back end library for your c++ Qt projects.
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 CFileImplementations for local files
 CFileWaiterThe FileWaiter class. This is a simple storage for the shared pointer of files. All added files will be removed (shared object) after finish donwload or upload
 CIBotBase interface for all chat-bots objcts
 CiFileThis is main interface for all implementations of the files
 CIJsonBasedObjectThis is base interface for all json base objects
 CIJsonBasedUpdateThis is updates that have a json sructure
 CiMessageThis is main interface for the all messages
 CiRequestIs main interface for all custom requests
 CITelegramBotThis is base implementation of the all telegramm bots
 CiUpdateThe iMessage class - is main interface for all messages objects
 CTelegramArgsBase structure for the all tellegram message arguments
 CTelegramAudioThis is implementation of the audio objects of telegram
 CTelegramContactThe telegramcontact class contains information about user contact
 CTelegramDeleteMessageRemove message with id
 CTelegramDocumentThis is implementation of the documents objects of telegram
 CTelegramEditMessageThis command edit keyboard of the message
 CTelegramEditMessageReplyMarkupJust edit alredy created Markups
 CTelegramFileBase class for all files
 CTelegramGetFileBuild http request for the getting files from tellgram messager
 CTelegramGetMeThe TelegramGetMsg class just prepare get request to tellegram
 CTelegramGetUpdateThis is implementation of the get update method of the Telegram API
 CTelegramImageThis is implementation of the photos of telegram
 CTelegramInlineKeyBoardCallBackThe TelegramInlineKeyBoardCallBack class
 CTelegramLocationJust simple struct with latitude and longitude
 CTelegrammDownloadFilePrepare link to download telegramm files
 CTelegramMsgThis class provide general mesasges of telegram. The message object can contains text, geo or link to video,image. all this dates can be contains in one object
 CTelegramRestBotIs Rest implementation base on the Update API telegram method
 CTelegramSendContactThe TelegramSendContact class
 CTelegramSendDocumentSents document into chat
 CTelegramSendFileBase clas for upload files to server
 CTelegramSendLocationSents location data into chat
 CTelegramSendMsgThis method send a message to the server
 CTelegramSendPhotoUsing to sending photos on chat
 CTelegramSingleRquestIs base class for all single requests commands with arguments
 CTelegramUpdateBase information about updates from telegram
 CTelegramUpdateAnswerThis is base message from the telegram server after update request
 CVirtualFileWrite and read data from the Ram