easyssl 0.50.142aaef
EasySSL is base back end library for your c++ Qt projects.

This is wrapper library that make using OpenSSL library more simple. This library contains interfaces for the signing and encryption data.

Supported encryption algorithms:

  • RSA

Supported features

  • encryption
  • signing
  • keys creating
  • asyn auth bse on the asyn encryptions methods

Build and Include


  • cd yourRepo
  • git submodule add https://github.com/QuasarApp/easyssl.git # add the repository of EasySSL into your repo like submodule
  • git submodule update –init –recursive
  • Include in your CMakeLists.txt file the main CMakeLists.txt file of EasySSL library

  • link the EasySSL library to your target
    target_link_libraries(yourLib PUBLIC easyssl)
  • rebuild yuor project

Independet of SSL build

Dependency on the ssl library greatly complicates the deployment of the final product. For fix this issue, you can build EasySSL library with static SSL library. In this case, SSL library code will be saved in your EasySell binary, and deploy of your application will be easily. The ssl code will not available for your application or other libraries, so you will not get conflicts between different major versions ssl libraries if your distribution kit has it.

Just set the EASYSSL_STATIC_SSL option to true.


The described case may be useful for the Qt 5.15.x, because the QNetwork 5.15 depends on the SSL v1.1 and EasySsl works with the SSL >= 3.0.



#include "easyssl/rsassl.h"
// create a publick and private keys array.
int main() {
QByteArray pub, priv;
crypto.makeKeys(pub, priv)
auto siganture = crypto.signMessage(message, priv);
crypto.checkSign(message, siganture, pub);
auto encryptedMsg = crypto.encrypt(message, pub);
auto decryptedMsg = crypto.decrypt(encryptedMsg, priv);
bool makeKeys(QByteArray &pubKey, QByteArray &privKey) const
makeKeys This method generate the public and private keys of the ECDSA.
Definition icrypto.cpp:16
The RSASSL class This is wrapper for RSA algorithm of openssl 3.0 libraryry.
Definition rsassl.h:21
QByteArray decrypt(const QByteArray &message, const QByteArray &key) override
decrypt This method has empty implementation.
Definition rsassl.cpp:136
QByteArray signMessage(const QByteArray &inputData, const QByteArray &key) const override
signMessage This method should be sign the message using the key.
Definition rsassl.cpp:48
QByteArray encrypt(const QByteArray &message, const QByteArray &key) override
encrypt This method has empty implementation.
Definition rsassl.cpp:205
bool checkSign(const QByteArray &inputData, const QByteArray &signature, const QByteArray &key) const override
checkSign This method should be check signature of the message using the key.
Definition rsassl.cpp:99


class ECDSA: public EasySSL::AuthECDSA {
// AsyncKeysAuth interface
void setPrivateKey(const QByteArray &newPriv) {
_priv = newPriv;
QByteArray getPrivateKey() const {
return _priv;
QByteArray _priv;
ECDSA edsa;
QByteArray pub, priv;
QString userID;
// make public and private keys.
edsa.makeKeys(pub, priv);
// prepare an authentication object.
edsa.auth(1000, &userID)
The AsyncKeysAuth class is temaplate class for works with authorization of a pair of asynchronous key...
virtual QByteArray getPrivateKey() const =0
getPrivateKey This method should be return private key for the public key that saved in this object.

Do not forget to help us make this library better...

See our main documentation about contributing to EasySsl

Full documentation available here