easyssl 0.50.142aaef
EasySSL is base back end library for your c++ Qt projects.
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 CAsyncKeysAuthThe AsyncKeysAuth class is temaplate class for works with authorization of a pair of asynchronous keys This class contains base implementation for the authentication using async encryption. The base encryption algorithm defined on the template argument CryptoImplementation. You can use any crypto algorithm
 CEasySSLUtilsThese are basic utils for work with the opwnssl library
 CECDSASSLEcdsa implementation of the Async authentication. This implementation based on Openssl library
 CICertificateBase interface for all certificate generators classes
 CICryptoThe ICrypto class, This is base interface that provide encryption functionality
 CRSASSLThis is wrapper for RSA algorithm of openssl 3.0 libraryry
 CSelfSignedSertificateThe SelfSignedSertificate struct contains qt certificate object and private key of them
 CSslSrtDataThe SslSrtData struct This structure contains base information to generate self-signed SSL certification. Use this interface for creating a new certificates algorithms
 CX509This is wrapper of the ssl objects