8#include <openssl/types.h>
38 [[nodiscard(
"The result pointer will not be free automatically. Please free the returned pointer after using.")]]
54 [[nodiscard(
"This pointer will not free automatically. Please free returned pointer after using.")]]
The EasySSLUtils class These are basic utils for work with the opwnssl library.
static BIO * byteArrayToBio(const QByteArray &byteArray)
byteArrayToBio This method creates the BIO struct from the Qt QByteArray object.
static QByteArray bignumToArray(const BIGNUM *num)
bignumToArray This method converts openssl BIGNUM into byteArray
static void printlastOpenSSlError()
printlastOpenSSlError This method prints the latest ssl error message.
static QByteArray extractPublcKey(EVP_PKEY *ssl_keys)
extractPublcKey This method extracts the public key from the ssl (pem) structure.
static BIGNUM * bignumFromArray(const QByteArray &array)
bignumFromArray This method converts the Qt bytes array into the opensll big num.
static QByteArray bioToByteArray(BIO *bio)
bioToByteArray This method converts the openssl BIO to the QByteArry
static QByteArray extractPrivateKey(EVP_PKEY *ssl_keys)
extractPrivateKey This method extracts the private key from the ssl (pem) structure.