YourTimeDeliviry 0.80.8e1d691
YourTimeDeliviry is base back end library for your c++ Qt projects.
Creating an XML Menu:
  1. Choose a text editor or IDE: You can use any text editor, such as Notepad++ (for Windows), Sublime Text, Visual Studio Code, or any other code editing tool.
  2. Create a file with the .xml extension: Create a new file and save it with the .xml extension, for example, menu.xml.
  3. Define the menu structure: Use the following structure for each element:

    <Menu Currency="Euro">
    <ImageSource>...</ImageSource> <!-- This is an optional field -->
    <Language code="..."> <!-- For example, ru for Russian -->
    <!-- Other language translations -->
    <!-- Add other <Item> elements for other products -->
  4. Fill in product information: Fill in the <Category>, <Name>, , <Price> tags for each product. <ImageSource> is optional, but you can add a link to the product's image.

Creating a Link to an Image Hosted on Google Drive:

  1. Upload the image to Google Drive: Sign in to your Google account, go to Google Drive, and upload the image.
  2. Set access to the image: Set the image file on Google Drive to be accessible via a link.
  3. Get the direct link to the image: Right-click on the image file on Google Drive, select "Get link." Ensure the link is set to be accessible via a link and copy this link.
  4. Use the copied link: Paste the copied link into the <ImageSource> tag for the corresponding product in your XML menu.

Description of Fields in the Element:

  • <Category>: Product category. For example, "Drinks," "Food," etc. This helps organize products into groups or categories.
  • <Name>: Product name. For example, "Drink 1," "Burger," "Burger 2." Used for product identification. : Product description. Brief description or details about the product. For example, "Just example drink," "Just example food," "Just example food 2."
  • <ImageSource>: Link to the product's image. This is an optional field containing a link to the product's image, which will be displayed in your application or website. You can upload images to hosting services and use links to them, such as Google Drive or other image hosting services.
  • <Price>: Product price. This is a numerical value representing the product's price. For example, "1.29," "4.99," "5.99." In this case, prices are specified in euros, as indicated by the Currency="Euro" attribute in the <Menu> element.
  • <Translations>: This element contains translations of product names, descriptions, and categories into different languages. Each translation to a specific language is represented by a <Language> element with a code attribute indicating the language code (e.g., "ru" for Russian). Inside each <Language>, there are tags <Name>, , <Category> representing the respective translations for that language.

Creating a Link to an Image on Google Drive:

  1. Upload the image: Upload the image to Google Drive through the web application interface or the Google Drive app on your device.
  2. Access to the file: After uploading the image to Google Drive, ensure the file is available for viewing via a link. This can be configured through the file access settings.
  3. Get the direct link: Right-click on the image file in Google Drive and select "Get link." Make sure you obtain a direct link to the image (it should end with .jpg, .png, or another image file extension).
  4. Use the link in the XML: Insert the copied direct link into the <ImageSource> tag for the corresponding product in your XML menu to display the product's image from Google Drive.