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Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234]
  • This class provide methods of get generals colors from images
 CViewSolutions::iModelBase model for GUI models. Works with ModelStorage. All models after adding can get access to any othe models that located on same storage object
 CViewSolutions::iGUITokensModelThe Tokens class is general global instanke of all QML constans used in the App
 CViewSolutions::BaseHashModel< KEY, DATA >The BaseHashModel class is base class of all GUI list models
 CViewSolutions::BaseListModel< QVariant >
 CViewSolutions::VariantListModelUniversal implementation for all atomic types
 CViewSolutions::BaseListModel< TYPE >The BaseListModel class is base class of all GUI list models
 CViewSolutions::ModelStorageMain model storage object. Provide access to all models in the application
 CViewSolutions::ModelStorageMain model storage object. Provide access to all models in the application
 CViewSolutions::iGUITokensModelThe Tokens class is general global instanke of all QML constans used in the App