▼CViewSolutions::ColorPicker |
CViewSolutions::QMLColorPicker |
▼CViewSolutions::iModel | Base model for GUI models. Works with ModelStorage. All models after adding can get access to any othe models that located on same storage object |
CViewSolutions::QMLColorPicker |
CViewSolutions::iGUITokensModel | The Tokens class is general global instanke of all QML constans used in the App |
▼CQAbstractListModel | |
CViewSolutions::BaseHashModel< KEY, DATA > | The BaseHashModel class is base class of all GUI list models |
CViewSolutions::ListViewModel | |
▼CViewSolutions::__PrvateBaseListModel | |
▼CViewSolutions::BaseListModel< QVariant > | |
CViewSolutions::VariantListModel | Universal implementation for all atomic types |
CViewSolutions::BaseListModel< TYPE > | The BaseListModel class is base class of all GUI list models |
▼CQEnableSharedFromThis | |
CViewSolutions::ModelStorage | Main model storage object. Provide access to all models in the application |
▼CQObject | |
CViewSolutions::ModelStorage | Main model storage object. Provide access to all models in the application |
CViewSolutions::QMLColorPicker |
CViewSolutions::iGUITokensModel | The Tokens class is general global instanke of all QML constans used in the App |