QuasarAppUtils Namespace Reference

The QuasaraAppUtils class This lib include base functions for the all applications of QuasarApp group. All methods of the Quasar AppUtils is static. More...


namespace  Help
 Help namespace contains functions for printing help in to console. All Print fucntions automaticly calc width of the console and aligns the text to fit the window.


class  HumanReadableObject
 The HumanReadableObject interface This is simple class that add one virtula method toString. All childs object should be override this method. More...
class  ISettings
 The Settings class base interface for implementation settings backends. Available implementations: Setting (based on QSettings backend) More...
class  Locales
 The Locales class for parese local files Example : More...
class  OptionData
 The OptionData class contains information about one option. More...
class  PlatformUtils
 The iPlatformUtils class bas interface for get access platform dependet functions and constants. More...
class  QALogger
 The QALogger class is logger handler for app. This class allow to log all message from app to file. More...
class  QASecretService
 The qasecretservice class This is a simeple provider of QASecretService tool See https://github.com/QuasarApp/SecretService. More...
class  Service
 The Service class is a template class for creating a singleton services objects. This is manual control wrapper. You should be manually initializing your service object and manually deinitializing. If you don't destroy your service, then service object will be automatically destroyed when application will be closed. More...
class  Settings
 The Settings class This is wraper of the QSettings object. More...
class  SettingsListner
 The SettingsListner class is listner of the ISettings global object. The SettingsListner class is abstrct class and contains only one method for hendling settings changes. More...
class  ValidableObject
 The ValidableObject class is Base interface for all object that can be checked to valid. More...


typedef HumanReadableObject iHRO
 iHRO This is short abriviature of the HumanReadableObject class.
typedef QMultiHash< QString, OptionDataOptionsDataList
 OptionsList is Hash map of the OptionData items. Where the key it is group name and value it is option data.
typedef ValidableObject iVO
 iVO This is short abriviature of the ValidableObject class.


enum class  SettingsSaveMode : quint64 { Auto , Manual }
 The SettingsSaveMode enum. More...
enum  VerboseLvl { Error = 0x0 , Warning = 0x1 , Info = 0x2 , Debug = 0x3 }
 The VerboseLvl enum uses for sets log level. More...


bool checkLogType (QtMsgType type, VerboseLvl lvl)
void messageHandler (QtMsgType type, const QMessageLogContext &context, const QString &msg)

Detailed Description

The QuasaraAppUtils class This lib include base functions for the all applications of QuasarApp group. All methods of the Quasar AppUtils is static.

Typedef Documentation

◆ iHRO

iHRO This is short abriviature of the HumanReadableObject class.

Definition at line 36 of file humanreadableobject.h.

◆ iVO

iVO This is short abriviature of the ValidableObject class.

Definition at line 32 of file validableobject.h.

◆ OptionsDataList

OptionsList is Hash map of the OptionData items. Where the key it is group name and value it is option data.

Definition at line 150 of file optiondata.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ SettingsSaveMode

The SettingsSaveMode enum.


a settings will be saved on hard disk when called the Settings::setValue method.


a settings will be saved on hard disk when called the Settings::Sync method.

Definition at line 23 of file isettings.h.

◆ VerboseLvl

The VerboseLvl enum uses for sets log level.


Error message. This logs will marked as a Error and printing if the verbose lvl >= 0.


Warning message. This logs will marked as a Warning and printing if the verbose lvl >= 1.


General information. This logs will marked as a Info and and printing if the verbose lvl >= 2.


Debug message. This logs will marked as a Debug and printing if the verbose lvl >= 3.

Definition at line 23 of file params.h.

Function Documentation

◆ checkLogType()

bool QuasarAppUtils::checkLogType ( QtMsgType  type,
VerboseLvl  lvl 

Definition at line 38 of file qalogger.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ messageHandler()

void QuasarAppUtils::messageHandler ( QtMsgType  type,
const QMessageLogContext context,
const QString msg 

Definition at line 51 of file qalogger.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function: