The Feature class it is atomic type for describe service command.
The IService class is base interface of the service.
virtual bool handleReceive(const Feature &data)=0
handleReceive This method invoked when service receive a request from terminal. Override this method ...
virtual void handleReceiveData(const QSet< Feature > &data)=0
handleReceiveData This method get all received commnads and process its. For each command will invoke...
virtual void onResume()=0
onResume This method invoked when service receive resume command from the terminal.
virtual void onPause()=0
onPause This method invoked when service receive pause command from the terminal.
virtual void onStop()=0
onStop This method invoked when service receive stop command from the terminal.
virtual ~IService()=default
virtual bool onStart()=0
onStart This method invoked when service is started successful.
virtual QSet< Feature > supportedFeatures()=0
supportedFeatures This method should be return the list of the supported fetures. Override this metho...
The Patronum namespace - It is main name space of Patronum Library. The Patronum library support the ...