No Matches


This is extension libraries for control your daemons and rervices. This library will save you the time you spend building and deploying server daemons or services.

If you want to get more inforamtion about library see our documentation

Why is Patronum?

Becouse This library offers easy interface to control your demons likewise the magic of Harry Potter controls dementors

Main features

  • Support linux systemd daemons.
  • Deploy and install your services on the host.
  • Auto create a Service from your server or yor daemon utility.
  • Auto create a Controller of your Service.

Deffault sopprted commands

  • install - deploys your daemon into your host system. This command deploy service for root user if you want to deploy service for specify user just use -install <UserName> command (root right required)
  • unistall - removes old deployed daemon. (root right required)
  • start - starts your service
  • stop - stops ypur service
  • pause - sends pause command to your daemon
  • upause (resume) - sends resume coomand to your daemon


For cmake projects

  • cd yourRepo
  • git submodule add # add the repository of Patronum into your repo like submodule
  • git submodule update –init –recursive
  • Include in your CMakeLists.txt file the main CMakeLists.txt file of Patronum library
  • Rebuild yuor project



#include <patronum.h>
class MyserviceApp : public Patronum::Service<QCoreApplication>
MyserviceApp(int argc, char **argv):
Patronum::Service<QCoreApplication>(argc, argv) {
void onStart() override {
// call on server started
void onStop() override {
// call on server stoped
bool handleReceive(const Patronum::Feature &data) override {
if (data.cmd() == "ping") {
} else if (data.cmd() == "state") {
sendResuylt("application status");
return true;
QSet<Patronum::Feature> supportedFeatures() override {
QSet<Patronum::Feature> data;
data << Patronum::Feature("ping", "This is description of the ping command");
data << Patronum::Feature("state", "return state");
return data;
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
QCoreApplication::setApplicationName("MyServiceName"); // <--
QCoreApplication::setOrganizationName("MyCompany"); // <--
MyserviceApp app;
return app.exec();
The Feature class it is atomic type for describe service command.
Definition PFeature.h:22
QString cmd() const
cmd This method return command of the feature.
Definition PFeature.cpp:22
virtual bool handleReceive(const Feature &data)=0
handleReceive This method invoked when service receive a request from terminal. Override this method ...
bool sendResuylt(const QVariantMap &result)
sendResuylt - Call this method for send responce from service to tour controller.
QSet< Feature > supportedFeatures() override
void onStop() override
onStop Called when get stop command from terminal. The default implementation of this method invoke a...
bool onStart() override=0
onStart Called when get start command from terminal. Override this method work correctly work of serv...
The Service class it is class for create a services from daemons.
Definition PService.h:88
The Patronum namespace - It is main name space of Patronum Library. The Patronum library support the ...


#include <patronum.h>
class MyControllerApp : public Patronum::Controller
Patronum::Controller() {
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
QCoreApplication::setApplicationName("MyServiceName"); // <--
QCoreApplication::setOrganizationName("MyCompany"); // <--
QCoreApplcication app
MyControllerApp controller;
controller.send(argc, argv);
return app.exec();
The Controller class provide control functionality for your service.
Definition PController.h:57

Wrapers of the service distributions

The Service class use own executable like a main path to service executable. If your application has custom dependencies and do not work without costom envirement then you need to add P_RUN_FILE or CQT_RUN_FILE variavle with full path into the your wraper or launcher file.

Order of the search executable file of the service

  1. P_RUN_FILE variable
  2. CQT_RUN_FILE variable
  3. Absalute path to executable.