The Feature class it is atomic type for describe service command.
The IController class This is base interface for the handling network events.
virtual void handleFeatures(const QList< Feature > &features)=0
handleFeatures This method should be handle all Command::Features resuests. This method will invoked ...
virtual void finished()=0
finished This method ivoked when controler received Command::CloseConnection from the server.
virtual void handleResponce(const QVariantMap &responce)=0
handleResponce This method should be handle all responces of the service. This method will invoked wh...
virtual void handleError(PatronumError errorCode)=0
handleError This method shold be handle all error messages. This method will invoked when a controlee...
virtual ~IController()=default
The Patronum namespace - It is main name space of Patronum Library. The Patronum library support the ...
The PatronumError enum - controller work error codes.