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Heart 1.3.861.487e628
Heart is base back end library for your c++ Qt projects.
▼NQH | The QH namespace - QuasarApp Heart namespace. This namespace contains all classes of the Heart library |
▼NErrorCodes | ErrorCodes This namesapce contains all error codes of the Heart Library |
CAbstractErrorCodesHelper | Helper class with static methods for translate the ErrorCodes enums to text. This helper know only about the AbstractErrorCodes enum |
▼NPKG | The PKG namesapce - this namespace contains all default packages of the Heart library. If you want create a pool request for Heart Library with own implemented packages you need to create a new package into a PKG namesapce |
CAbstractData | Provide base functions for transport data by network For create you own package you need to inherited from this class. Simple Example: |
CAPIVersion | This is base pacakge class that send information about supported api version on the paired node |
CBadRequest | Send response about error to client |
CBigDataBase | This is base class of big data parts. This class contains id of movving pacakge |
CBigDataHeader | First empty pacakge with information of big data package |
CBigDataPart | This data class used for transporting big data files greater than 64kb |
CBigDataRequest | Missing package parts for redownload. If missing parts count is 0 then pacakge donwloaded successful |
CBigDataWraper | Wrapper of any big data commands |
CCachedDbObjectsRequest | The CachedDbObjectsRequest class This is template class for generate request with the custom condition for BASE objects |
CCloseConnection |
CCustomDBRequest | The CustomDBRequest class intended for send to database custom select request for working with multiple tables |
CDataPack | DataPack this is conteiner is wraqper of the QList for transport arrays to another node |
CDBObject | The DBObject class- main class for work with data base |
CDBObjectSet | Add features for control database object arrays. You will be able be get or remove multiple objects into database table |
CDBObjectsRequest | The DBObjectsRequest class is template class for get array of TEMPLATE Objects from database |
CDBObjectsRequestWithStream | The DBObjectsRequestWithStream class is template class some as DBObjectsRequest but with implementation for the StreamBase::fromStream and StreamBase::toStream methods |
CDBVariant | The DBVariant struct contains QVariant value of the DBObjects member and it type |
CDeleteObject | Request for update object with dbId; |
CErrorData | The ErrorData struct is simple structure for contains data of the error |
CGetMaxIntegerId | Intended for get a maximum value of a sql tables column |
CGetSingleValue | Intended for get a single value from database. The value is selected by primaryKey. By Default the primary key is 'id' |
CMultiversionData | This class add support for multiple versions of ne command/package. If you need to add support multiple versions make your pakcage class children of the MultiversionData class |
CPing |
CSerializationBox | |
CSetSingleValue | This is simple class - request sets a single value into database |
CUniversalData | All data of object in the QMap Use this package if you want to change your packages in prodaction |
CVersionIsReceived | Base class for confirmed versions |
CAbstractKey | The Abstractkey class is provide general hash function for all keys of Heart library. This class using for generate a hash code of any keyObject |
CAbstractNode |
CAbstractNodeInfo | Information about client or server connection and tcp socket of node. All node Info classes must be initialized in the AbstractNode::createNodeInfo methods. This implementation of nodeInf contains only trust of node and network socket |
CAbstractNodeParser | Main parser of the abstract level of the hear lib |
CAbstractTask | The AbstractTask class. All tasks executed on separate thread |
CAccessToken | Information duration of the access. Token are byte array for validation access users or another network member on nodes. In usually cases toke add permissions for database objects |
CAPIVersionParser | This is main parser forthe main command. This parsers work only with the APIVersion packge; |
CAsync | This is bundle of async templates and async wrappers |
CAsyncLauncher | Wraper of the Async class for support moving invokes to thread of the current object |
CAsyncRenderLoop | |
CAsyncSqlDBWriter | The AsyncSqlDbWriter class is some as SqlDBWriter but run all command in own thread. This class is thread save |
CBigDataParser | Main manager for control big data packages |
CDataBase | DataBase base implementation. This implementation contains methods for work with database. DataBaseNode is thread save class |
CDataSender | This class create a queue for sendet data to network |
CDbAddress | Use to work with database addresses. Database Address it is structure with 2 values |
CDbAddressKey | Implementation for calc hash key of DbAddress objects |
CDBPatch | DBPatch This is function that should be upgrade database |
CDistVersion | This is information of supported versions of the destinations api |
CHeader | The Header struct 32 bytes |
CHostAddress | The Host Address class this is wrapper of QHostAddress. Contains the NetworkAddress and network port |
CiObjectProvider | Base interface for work with database objects. Using on database writers and database caches |
CiParser | This class provide functions for parsing income packages. For yousing just override the iParser::parsePackage method |
CISqlDB | It is db cache and bridge for DbWriters. Work Scheme of the database cache: |
CIToken | The IToken classes interface for the validation user packages and user dates |
CPackaData | The PackaData struct - private data of packages |
CPackage | The Package struct. This is base structure for transporting data by network between QH nodes. The Package contains a 32 bytes header and Package::data array. The size on the header should be equals size of Package::data array |
CPackageManager | The PakcageManager class contains all processed packages. Working like a cache of packages |
CPoolData | |
CReceiveData | The ReceiveData struct This is private structure for contains informaton for parse packages |
CRequest | Base interface for working with requests commands |
CSoftDelete | Povide the soft delete functionality. All child classes of this class must be deleted using the softDelete method for preparring for delete. IF you delete object without prepare then destructor invoke the abort function in debug mode. For release mode destructor print error message only |
CSqlDB | This is base implementation fo datatbase. The SqlDB do not use caches, all request run on the sqlwtiter class |
CSqlDBWriter | The SqlDBWriter class. This class write and read objects from database (hard level). Before working with database you need to initialize it. The SqlDBWriter support a any sql databases, For list of supported drivers see the Qt Docummentation https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/sql-driver.html For initialize a custom database driver you need to set an own params see the SqlDBWriter::initDb metthod. This class work only on own thread. For change working thread use the Qt method moveToThread |
CStreamBase | Add support streaming data for all children classes. For correctly working all serializations functions you need to override fromStream and toStream methods. All implementations of overridden method should be contains a invoke of method of base class |
CStreamMultiversion | This parser works with simple multiversion packages |
CTaskScheduler | This class contains queue of all shedule tasks |
CTcpSocket | The AbstractSocket class This class is wraper of the QAbstract socket with slot implementation of the disconnect from host method |
CWorkState | Simple class with data of work state of node |