Heart 1.3.861.487e628
Heart is base back end library for your c++ Qt projects.
QH::PKG Namespace Reference

The PKG namesapce - this namespace contains all default packages of the Heart library. If you want create a pool request for Heart Library with own implemented packages you need to create a new package into a PKG namesapce. More...


class  AbstractData
 The AbstractData class is provide base functions for transport data by network For create you own package you need to inherited from this class. Simple Example: More...
class  APIVersion
 The APIVersion class This is base pacakge class that send information about supported api version on the paired node. More...
class  BadRequest
 The BadRequest class send response about error to client. More...
class  BigDataBase
 The BigDataBase class This is base class of big data parts. This class contains id of movving pacakge. More...
class  BigDataHeader
 The BigDataHeader class is first empty pacakge with information of big data package. More...
class  BigDataPart
 The BigDataPart class This data class used for transporting big data files greater than 64kb. More...
class  BigDataRequest
 The BigDataRequest class contains missing package parts for redownload. If missing parts count is 0 then pacakge donwloaded successful. More...
class  BigDataWraper
 The BigDataWraper class is wrapper of any big data commands. More...
class  CachedDbObjectsRequest
 The CachedDbObjectsRequest class This is template class for generate request with the custom condition for BASE objects. More...
class  CloseConnection
 The CloseConnection class - This commanad is request for close connection on parent node of connection. This is necessary because QAbstractSocket emit error when connection closed from remote node. More...
class  CustomDBRequest
 The CustomDBRequest class intended for send to database custom select request for working with multiple tables. More...
class  DataPack
 DataPack this is conteiner is wraqper of the QList for transport arrays to another node. More...
class  DBObject
 The DBObject class- main class for work with data base. More...
class  DBObjectSet
 The DBObjectSet class add features for control database object arrays. You will be able be get or remove multiple objects into database table. More...
class  DBObjectsRequest
 The DBObjectsRequest class is template class for get array of TEMPLATE Objects from database. More...
class  DBObjectsRequestWithStream
 The DBObjectsRequestWithStream class is template class some as DBObjectsRequest but with implementation for the StreamBase::fromStream and StreamBase::toStream methods. More...
struct  DBVariant
 The DBVariant struct contains QVariant value of the DBObjects member and it type. More...
class  DeleteObject
 The DeleteObject class is request for update object with dbId;. More...
struct  ErrorData
 The ErrorData struct is simple structure for contains data of the error. More...
class  GetMaxIntegerId
 The GetMaxIntegerId class is intended for get a maximum value of a sql tables column. More...
class  GetSingleValue
 The GetSingleValue class is intended for get a single value from database. The value is selected by primaryKey. By Default the primary key is 'id'. More...
class  MultiversionData
 The MultiversionData class This class add support for multiple versions of ne command/package. If you need to add support multiple versions make your pakcage class children of the MultiversionData class. More...
class  Ping
 The Ping class - test class for translate data on network. More...
struct  SerializationBox
class  SetSingleValue
 The SetSingleValue class This is simple class - request sets a single value into database. More...
class  UniversalData
 The UniversalData class contains all data of object in the QMap Use this package if you want to change your packages in prodaction. More...
class  VersionIsReceived
 The VersionIsReceived class base class for confirmed versions. More...


typedef QMap< QString, DBVariantDBVariantMap
 DBVariantMap this is Map with key, and value with data type.


enum class  PrepareResult { Fail , Success , Disabled }
 The PrepareResult enum is result of work prepare sql query of dbobjects. More...
enum class  MemberType {
  None = 0x0 , Insert = 0x1 , Update = 0x2 , Unique = 0x4 ,
  Autoincement = 0x8 , InsertUpdate = Insert | Update , PrimaryKey = Insert | Unique , PrimaryKeyAutoIncrement = PrimaryKey | Autoincement
 The MemberType enum. This enum contains types of members DBObjects classes. for more information see the DBObject::variantMap method. More...


constexpr uint qHash (MemberType type)

Detailed Description

The PKG namesapce - this namespace contains all default packages of the Heart library. If you want create a pool request for Heart Library with own implemented packages you need to create a new package into a PKG namesapce.

Typedef Documentation

◆ DBVariantMap

typedef QMap<QString, DBVariant> QH::PKG::DBVariantMap

DBVariantMap this is Map with key, and value with data type.

QMap<QString key, {QVariant value, MemberType type}>;
The MemberType enum. This enum contains types of members DBObjects classes. for more information see ...
Definition dbobject.h:37

Definition at line 84 of file dbobject.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ MemberType

enum class QH::PKG::MemberType

The MemberType enum. This enum contains types of members DBObjects classes. for more information see the DBObject::variantMap method.


The Field with this type can not be update and Inserted.


The Field With This type can be inserted but not updated.


The Field With This type can be updated but not inserted.


The Field with this type can not be duplicate on a table. If a Database object do not have a primary key then default implementation for select query try get object by fields with unique type.


The field with this atribute automaticaly incemented into database, and will not to added into insert reqests, but it can be used with replace request as a key.


The Field With This type can be inserted and updated.


The primary key field without autoincrement.


Definition at line 37 of file dbobject.h.

◆ PrepareResult

enum class QH::PKG::PrepareResult

The PrepareResult enum is result of work prepare sql query of dbobjects.


prepare is failed.


prepare finished successful.


prepare disabled for method. Use this case for disable prepare method for object without errors.

Definition at line 24 of file dbobject.h.

Function Documentation

◆ qHash()

constexpr uint QH::PKG::qHash ( MemberType  type)

Definition at line 63 of file dbobject.h.