virtual bool isValid() const
isValid This method check current object to valid.
The Ping class - test class for translate data on network.
QDataStream & fromStream(QDataStream &stream) override
fromStream This method should be read all bytes from the stream object and full the current object.
QDataStream & toStream(QDataStream &stream) const override
fromStream This method should be write all members of the current object to the stream object.
void setAnsver(bool ansver)
setAnsver - Set the answer option.
bool isValid() const override
isValid - Check this package if valid.
bool ansver() const
answer This is bool value for check this object that it is answer or request. Using on tests.
The Package struct. This is base structure for transporting data by network between QH nodes....
QByteArray data
data This is source data of package.
bool fromBytes(const QByteArray &data)
fromBytes This method provide initialization of object from byte array.
The QH namespace - QuasarApp Heart namespace. This namespace contains all classes of the Heart librar...