11#include <QSharedPointer>
84 void setTime(quint64 newTime);
103 virtual bool isValid()
The AbstractNode class - Abstract implementation of node. this implementation have a methods for send...
The AbstractTask class. All tasks executed on separate thread.
virtual bool execute(AbstractNode *node) const =0
execute This method will be invoked when task be executed.
virtual ~AbstractTask()=default
The TimeVal enum contains all time values for a tasks scheduling.
The QH namespace - QuasarApp Heart namespace. This namespace contains all classes of the Heart librar...
The ScheduleMode enum contails list of the shedule modes.
@ TimePoint
In this mode AbstractTask will be executed int time msecunds by Unix time.
@ Repeat
In this mode AbstractTask will be executed task every time from the moment of adding this task.
@ SingleWork
In this mode AbstractTask will be executed after time msecunds from the moment of adding this task.