10#include "qaglobalutils.h"
20 debug_assert(parentNode,
"Node object can't be null!");
39 qCritical() <<
"sender socket is not valid!";
43 if (!
pkg->isValid()) {
44 qCritical() <<
"incomming package is not valid!";
63 emit nodePtr->requestError(cmd->errCode(), cmd->err());
82 return "HeartLibAbstractAPI";
The AbstractNodeInfo class contains information about client or server connection and tcp socket of n...
QString parserId() const override
parserId This is id of the parsers. All parser will be synced betwin nodes by ids.
~AbstractNodeParser() override
AbstractNodeParser(AbstractNode *parentNode)
ParserResult parsePackage(const QSharedPointer< PKG::AbstractData > &pkg, const Header &pkgHeader, AbstractNodeInfo *sender) override
parsePackage This is main method of all childs classes of an AbstractNode class. This method work on ...
void sigPingReceived(const QSharedPointer< QH::PKG::Ping > &ping)
sigPingReceived This method emited
int version() const override
version This method return version of parser object
The AbstractNode class - Abstract implementation of node. this implementation have a methods for send...
static unsigned int command()
command This static method that return glaball code of this object.
The BadRequest class send response about error to client.
The Ping class - test class for translate data on network.
void setAnsver(bool ansver)
setAnsver - Set the answer option.
The iParser class This class provide functions for parsing income packages. For yousing just override...
void registerPackageType()
registerPackageType This method register package type T. This is need to prepare pacakge for parsing ...
AbstractNode * node() const
The QH namespace - QuasarApp Heart namespace. This namespace contains all classes of the Heart librar...
The ParserResult enum. Error - parser detect a errorob package. NotProcessed - the parser does not kn...
@ NotProcessed
the parser does not know what to do with the package or has not finished processing it.
@ Error
parser detect a errorob package.
@ Processed
the parser finished processing correctly.