12#include <QCryptographicHash>
13#include <qaglobalutils.h>
23 unsigned int triggerHash)
const {
45 return QString(
"Type: %0 \n"
The DistVersion class This is information of supported versions of the destinations api.
virtual bool toPackage(Package &package, const DistVersion &reqVersion, unsigned int triggerHash=0) const
toPackage This method convert this class object to the package. For more info see Package class.
virtual bool isValid() const
isValid This method check current object to valid.
void fromPakcage(const Package &pkg)
fromPakcage - This method initialize the current object from a package class object.
QString toString() const override
toString - Return a string implementation for this object.
virtual QString cmdString() const =0
cmdString - This is command string of this object, (for generate cmd use macross QH_PACKAGE)
virtual unsigned short cmd() const =0
cmd - This is command of this object, (for generate cmd use macross QH_PACKAGE)
AbstractData - Base constructor of this object.
The Package struct. This is base structure for transporting data by network between QH nodes....
unsigned int calcHash() const
calcHash This method recalc hash sum for this pacakge.
QByteArray data
data This is source data of package.
virtual bool isValid() const
isValid This method validation a current package. Default implementation is checked a header and comp...
Header hdr
hdr This is header of package. For more information see the Header struct.
bool fromBytes(const QByteArray &data)
fromBytes This method provide initialization of object from byte array.
QByteArray toBytes() const
toBytes This method convert a current object to bytes array.
The QH namespace - QuasarApp Heart namespace. This namespace contains all classes of the Heart librar...