EXOSTAR is base back end library for your c++ Qt projects.

This is the best spaceship 2d simulator for mobile and desktop platforms. All the concepts for this game have been prepared for 10 years.

Name description:

  • E - Exploring (Исследование)
  • X - Xenospheres (Ксеноферы)
  • O - Observations (Наблюдения)
  • S - Stellar (Звездные)
  • T - Territories (Территории)
  • A - Across (По)
  • R - Realms (Областям)

So, "E.X.O.S.T.A.R" could be interpreted as "Exploration of Xenospheres, Stellar Observations Across Territories and Realms." Or : "Исследование ксеноферов, звездных наблюдений по территориям областей".

The best game with:

  • free space world.
  • free economic system
  • free political system
  • free exploring system
  • free science system.

Round Map

First rectangle release

  • [X] create tailing world
    • [X] prepare multithread workers for world
    • [X] prepare base components of the world
      • [X] world object
      • [X] group object
      • [X] controlled object
    • [X] prepare parsers of the all world objects to save it into file.
    • [X] prepare visible radar system
  • [X] Prepare simple rectangles view - for test
  • [ ] Prepare simple AI for pilots.
    • [ ] prepare simple global pilot AI (for example treader and defenders)
  • [ ] prepare first game objects
    • [X] Simple ship
    • [ ] simple station
    • [ ] simple planet
  • [ ] prepare first weapon
    • [ ] turret
    • [ ] gun
  • [ ] prepare production system on stations and planets
    • [ ] prepare doc-station modules
    • [ ] prepare dynamic production chains
    • [ ] prepare since system for create production chains

Tehnical ditaels

Command or make target Description
make test The run tests for a project (dependet of Qt Tests, so you need to add Qt in Cmake using CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH)
make doc The generate a documentation for a project (dependet of doxygen)
make deploy The generate distribution for a project (dependet of CQtDeployer)
make release The prepare Qt Installer framework repository for a project, generate a snap package and APK file for android (dependet of CQtDeployer, snapcraft, AndroidDeployer).