CQtDeployer 1.6.2376.564b936
CQtDeployer helps you to extract all libraries your executable depends on and to create a launch script for your application.
Release of CQtDeployer v1.6

Release of the C++/Qt and QML application deployment utility CQtDeployer v1.6

This is major release that include more improvements in build system. From now cqtdeployer using CMake build system. So from now build from source will be easier.

Complete list of all changes

CQtDeployer 1.6

New features

  • Move to Cmake build system
  • Refactoring all project structure
  • Improved QML parser
  • Add support qt 6.4
  • Added support (snap version) deploy apps that was buildet with Qt from system


  • Fixed snap version of cqtdeployer
  • Fixed deploy of windows apps
  • Fixed documentation web city (added support of backend search engine)

New options of the build

  • CQT_DEPLOYER_TESTS "This option disables or enables tests of the CQtDeployer project. By Default enabled - **CQT_DEPLOYER_TOOL** "This option disables or enables example app of the CQtDeployer project. By Default enabled

Detailed analysis of the most interesting changes.

New build system

From now, you can build cqtdeployer from source easier

  • just clone project

    git clone https://github.com/QuasarApp/CQtDeployer.git
    git submodule update --init --recursive
    cd CQtDeployer
  • create temp build directory

    mkdir build
    cd build
  • run cmake (this step requires install Qt libraries, you can install qt from system or from official site of Qt corporation.)

    cmake .. -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/path/to/qt/root/dir
  • build cqtdeployer

    make -j8
  • create installers and packages (this step requires installers cqtdeployer tool)

    make deploy



If you do not have installed cqtdeployer on your build machine, you can compile cqtdeployer tool as a static. For this, disable the BUILD_SHARED_LIBS option.

make install

If you want to change Qt, Just run cmake with override qt location.

cmake .. -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/path/to/qt/root/dir
# or
cmake .. -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=~/Qt/6.4.3/gcc_64