CQtDeployer 1.6.2376.564b936
CQtDeployer helps you to extract all libraries your executable depends on and to create a launch script for your application.
What is CQtDeployer

The CQtDeployer is application for extract all depends library of executable and create launch script for your application.

Key differences of this program:

  • Performance: this program deploys the application several times faster (up to 10 seconds)
  • Flexibility: this application's got flags that help you to configure the deployment for your or your project's needs
  • Crossdeploy: this application's support windows and linux distrebutives, This means that you can use it not only to deploy a project for your platform, but also to deploy a project on Linux for Windows and vice versa.

How to use

Deploying a Qt or QML application is easy! To do this, simply install cqtdeployer on your computer and enter the following line:


cqtdeployer -bin myApp -qmake /media/D/Qt/5.12.3/gcc_64/bin/qmake -qmlDir ./


%cqtdeployer% -bin myApp.exe -qmake /media/D/Qt/5.12.3/gcc_64/bin/qmake.exe -qmlDir ./


  • -bin - this is option for set the path to executable files.
  • -qmake - this is option for set the path to qmake with which the application was created.
  • -qmlDir - this is option for set the path to folder with qml files of application.


You can download the latest version of the CQtDeployer here for Windows and linux platforms. Or use the snap version for servers without gui.

Get it from the Snap Store