CQtDeployer 1.6.2285.1507045
CQtDeployer helps you to extract all libraries your executable depends on and to create a launch script for your application.
Install CQtDeployer

You can download the latest version of the application here.


  • Download CQtDeployer*.run or CQtDeployer*.exe

Install without gui


chmod +x CQtDeployer_1.5.3.0_Installer_Linux64.run
./CQtDeployer_1.5.3.0_Installer_Linux64.run install


CQtDeployer_1.5.3.0_Installer_Win64.exe install


sudo dpkg -i CQtDeployer_1.5.3.0_Linux64.deb

Note the package name and links can be changed, please check Download page before installation.


Get it from the Snap Store

sudo snap install cqtdeployer

Features of the snap version

If you are using the snap version of the application. Enable all permissions for cqtdeployer. this can be done in the snap-store Or starting with ubuntu 20.04 in the ubuntu application settings manager.

If you do not have the GUI then you can enable all permissions using next commands:

sudo snap connect cqtdeployer:process-control
sudo snap connect cqtdeployer:removable-media
sudo snap connect cqtdeployer:system-backup

Build from sources

Build for Linux

  • install qt and qt QtInstallFrameWork from qt installer
  • clone project

    git clone https://github.com/QuasarApp/CQtDeployer.git
    git submodule update --init --recursive
    cd CQtDeployer
  • create temp build directory

    mkdir build
    cd build
  • run cmake

    cmake .. -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/path/to/qt/root/dir
  • build cqtdeployer

    make -j8
  • create installers and packages (requered installed cqtdeployer)

    make deploy

Build for Windows (CMD)

  • install qt and qt QtInstallFrameWork from qt installer
  • clone project

    git clone https://github.com/QuasarApp/CQtDeployer.git
    git submodule update --init --recursive
    cd CQtDeployer
  • create temp build directory

    mkdir build
    cd build
  • SET PATH=C:/Qt/Tools/mingw810_64/bin;PATH%
    • It is important to set up the qt environment.
  • run cmake

    cmake .. -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=C:/path/to/qt/root/dir
  • build cqtdeployer

    migw32-make -j8
  • create installers and packages (requered installed cqtdeployer)

    migw32-make deploy


If you do not have installed cqtdeployer on your build machine, you can compile cqtdeployer tool as a static. For this, disable the BUILD_SHARED_LIBS option.

make install

If you want to change Qt, Just run cmake with override qt location.

cmake .. -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/path/to/qt/root/dir
# or
cmake .. -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=~/Qt/6.4.3/gcc_64