The library contains 2 methods type it is added methods and init methods. All inits method must be invoked before adds methods. If you change order then some add method will be ignored.
This module implementation next cmake functions:
addTestsArg (name testExec arg) - Name target for test utility of your application.
arg - Arguments for testExec.
addTests (name testExec) - Name target for test utility of your application (without arguments).
initTests - Init main test target for testing all added tests, this method need to call before all invoiced addTests methods.
addDeploy (name targets targetDir) - Add deploy target for deployed your application via CqtDeployer tool.
addDeployFromFile (name) - Some as initDeploy but use CQtDeployer.json for configuration.
addDeployFromCustomFile (name file) - Some as initDeploy but use custom path for deployment file for configuration.
addDeploySnap (name targetDir) - Add to deploy step substeps for create a snap package.
targetDir - Destanation directroy for snap files.
The addDeploySnap method are support the SNAPCRAFT_MODE variable. If you need to use custom snapcraft mode.
addDeployQIF (name sourceDir targetDir config) - add to deploy step substeps for create Qt Install FrameWork Installer.
addDeployAPK (name input aliase keystore keystorePass targetDir extraLibs) - Add subtargets of deploy setep for create signed android apk file.
add_qt_android_apk (my_app_apk my_app) - This target add targets for the build apk file. For get more information about this function see oficial documentation of the qt-android-cmake toolchain.
initDeploy - Create a main deploy target for all addDeploy subtargets. This method need to call before invoiced of all addDeploy methods.
initRelease - Сreate the general release target for all subtargets addRelease. This method need to call before invoice all addRelease methods.
addReleaseCustom (name pyFile) - This function prepare to run pyFile and add dependencies for release target.
addReleaseSnap (name) - Сreate subtargets for publish snap deployed snap package.
addReleaseQif (name sourceDir targetDir) - Create subtargets for publish the qif package on qif repository.
initDoc - Create the general doc target for all subtargets addDoc. This method need to call before invoice all addDoc methods.
addDoc (name doxygenFile) - Create subtargets for generate documentation of cpp code.